LA: acoustic root of the propensity of cruelty, also of solid factor
LAGNII: auspicious, appropriate, investment, usury
LAJJÁ: shyness
LATÁ: climber, creeper, madder
LALÁT́: forehead
LAVAŃA: salt, salty or saline, one of six tastes
LAHAMÁ: a moment, a minute fraction of time, a short while
LAKŚAŃA: sign, mark, symptom
LAKŚYA: target, aim, destination, goal, desideratum
LÁCÁ: (dial / col.) dance
LÁJ / LAJJÁ: shyness, shame
LÁINCHANÁ: blame, disgrace, reproach, insult, humiliation
LÁSYA: dance, gesture, posture
LIKHAREKHÁ: markings
LIPTA: smeared, covered
LIILÁ: eternal divine game
LIILAYIITA: illusioned, enchanted
LUKÁY: hiding
LUT́ÁN / LOT́ÁN: to roll on the ground, to welter, sprawl, wallow
LUT́ÁY: loot, plunder, wallow, lose, plunge
LUŃT́HITA: wallowing, sprawling, rolling on the ground, looted, sacked, robbed, pillaged
LÚTÁ: spider
LÚTÁTANTU: thread of a cobweb, fibre of spider-web, gossamer
LUŚT́HITA: smeared
LEKHÁ: written, recorded, engraved, documented
LELIHÁNA: blazing, fluttering, repeatedly licking
LEHAN: licking, lapping
LOKA: sphere, arena, levels, layers, domain, region, realm
LOKA LÁJA: social shyness
LOKOTTARA: beyond the three arenas
LOKÁYATA: atheistical, secular, within the world
LOT́ÁN / LUT́ÁN: roll, welter, sprawl, wallow, reel
LODHRA: a herbal tree, cosmetic powder made from the bark of the tree
LOBHA: greed, avarice, desire
LOR: tears
LOLATÁ: avarice
LAOKIK: worldly
LAOHA: made of iron