YA: acoustic root of the propensity of lack of confidence, also of aerial factor

(YA appearing at the beginning of the word is to be pronounced as light JA or JA, close to ZA, hence marked as YA where pronunciation is more important, for example in text of Prabhata Saḿgiita)

YAJINA: ritual sacrifice

YATI: pause, stop, breach

YATHECCHÁ: according to the wish or desire, agreeably to one’s desire, as much as desired, as desired or wished for, at will, as much as needed

YADI / ZADI: if, in case

YADRCCHÁ: self-will, acting as one likes, independent, accident, chance, coincident

YANTRA: machine

YANTRAKA: controller

YANTRAŃÁ: torture

YAMA: five principle or commandments to be followed

YAMUNÁ: a river in north India where Lord Krśńa was born and brought up

YAVANIKÁ: curtain

YASHA: fame, reputation

YAH: this, these

YÁGA: ritual sacrifice

YÁCAKA: beggar, volunteer, one who prays, requests, entreats or asks, petitioner, seeker

YÁCANÁ: to beg, to ask, to pray, to solicit, to request, to petition, to seek, to beseech, entreat, plead, implore

YÁTANÁ: torture

YÁMINII: night

YUKTI: reason, maneuver

YUGA: period, era, age

YUGAPAT: simultaneous

YUGÁN: supply, adulate, humour

YUGUPSÁ: upbraiding, censure, abuse, blame, defamation, scorn, backbiting, hypocrisy

YUJILE: joint, attached

YUJYA: worth uniting

YUSAMÁNA: helping


YÚTHIKÁ: jasmine

YOGA: Supreme union of Puruśottama and the unit mind

YOGII: spiritual practitioner, ascetic, saint